
Belarus Headlines 01

On Sunday, February 4, riot police detained about 30 members of the youth organization Young Front. It happened when a session of the central committee of the organization was taking place in a private apartment on Tsnyanskaya Street in Minsk. On the same day, search operations were conducted in apartments of several members of the YF. The detained were taken to police department of the Savetski district of Minsk. They managed to inform Radio Svaboda that the authorities demanded activists Zmitser Khvedaruk and Yauhen Skrabutan to confess their participation in activities of the unregistered organization. To remind the readesr, leader of the Young Front, Zmitser Dashkevich, had been sentenced to 1,5 on the same charge.

Пэрыёдыка: Belarus Headlines
Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: Office for a Democratic Belarus
  • Месца выхаду: Brussels
  • Дата выхаду: 2007-02-06
  • Выдавец: Office for a Democratic Belarus
  • Copyright: © 2007 by Office for a Democratic Belarus
  • Кнігазбор:
  • Дадатковая даведка: Выданьне публікуецца тут за ласкавай згодай Office for a Democratic Belarus
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