
Belarusian Review Volume 26, No. 2

This latest issue of BELARUSIAN REVIEW contains a tribute to Joe Arciuch, the founder and first editor-in-chief of BELARUSIAN REVIEW who passed away a year ago. His idea to establish BELARUSIAN REVIEW in order to inform the world about Belarus has developed into what is now the oldest continuously published journal in English language fully devoted to Belarus. We start this issue with an appreciation to his commitment expressed by people who knew him as a friend and a colleague - David H. Swartz, first U.S. ambassador to again-independent Belarus, and Ivonka J. Survilla, President of the Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic in Exile.

Пэрыёдыка: Belarusian Review
Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: Беларуска-Амэрыканскае Задзіночаньне
  • Месца выхаду: Прага
  • Дата выхаду: 2014-06
  • Рэдактар: Касьцян Кірыл
  • Выдавец: Беларуска-Амэрыканскае Задзіночаньне
  • Copyright: © 1988-2014 by Belarusian Review
  • Кнігазбор:
  • Дадатковая даведка: Станкевіч Юрка (Stankevich George) - рэдактар-кансультант
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