
Каталёг EEDC

Belarus – towards a United Europe

Belarus – towards a United Europe

Maszkiewicz Mariusz, red.

Гэта зборнік аналітычных артыкулаў пад агульнай рэдакцыяй вядомага польскага дыпламата, былога амбасадара Польшчы ў Беларусі Марыюша Машкевіча, які напісаў уводзіны да кнігі, пазначыўшы, што збор артыкулаў мае мэтай паглыбіць разуменне сітуацыі у Беларусі, а таксама паспрыяць інтэлектуальным і арганізацыйным... Болей »

Belarus / Беларусь

Belarus / Беларусь

History. Folk art. Architecture. Nature. Minsk. История. Народное искусство. Природа. Минск
Романюк Денис

Беларусь — прекрасная страна в центре Европы, где сохранились первозданные ландшафты и архаичная традиционная культура. Ее населяет один из восточнославянских народов — белорусы. Первые люди появились в этих краях Восточно-Европейской равнины около 100 тысяч лет назад. На рубеже VIII и IX веков смешивание... Болей »

Belarus / Беларусь

Belarus / Беларусь

Belarusia is a beautiful country in the heart of Europe, with pristine landscapes and surviving archaic traditions. Its population are Belarusians - one of the eastern Slavic groups. The first people came to this part of the eastern European plain approximately one hundred thousand years ago. Between... Болей »

Belarus a new land of opportunity

Belarus a new land of opportunity

Novik Uladzimier

Since 1991, the Republic of Belarus, has taken her place in Eastem Europę as a new independent state. Although the history of Belarusian statehood goes back to the lOth centuiy, this nation is only now being discovered by the world community. This is due to the fact that as one of the allied republics... Болей »

Belarus after the “election”

Belarus after the “election”

What future for the Lukashenka regime?
Gromadzki Grzegorz, Konończuk Wojciech, Veselý Luboš

The presidential election in March 2006, conducted by the Belarusian authorities in violation of basic democratic principles, were an important event which has changed the situation in Belarus. It was not a fundamental turning point but has resulted in changes inside the regime as well as in the opposition... Болей »

Belarus and the EU

Belarus and the EU

From isolation towards cooperation
Wieck Hans-Georg, Silitski Vitali and others

This is a joint publication of the Centre for European Studies and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. This publication has received funding from the European Parliament. Sole responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in this publication rests with the authors. The Centre for European Studies, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftu... Болей »

Belarus Catching up with Europe

Belarus Catching up with Europe

Publikacja Białoruś w Pogoni za Europą prezentuje zbiór tekstów syntetycznie przedstawiających wewnętrzną sytuację na Białorusi oraz propozycje reform politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych, których celem jest otwarcie dla tego kraju perspektywy integracji z Unią Europejską i wprowadzenie go na drogę... Болей »

Belarus is your economic partner

Belarus is your economic partner

External economic cooperation with foreign countries is regarded as one of the major preconditions of stabilization and further economic development. Today, the Republic of Belarus has established and continues to develop trade relations with more than 140 countries in the world. Close cooperation with... Болей »

Belarus-Russia Integration

Belarus-Russia Integration

Analytical Articles

The aim of this book is to provide the reader with an overview of the phenomenon of Russian-Belarusian integration. It is remarkable that such an important and highly contested issue as the attempt to build a common state between Russia and Belarus has received so little scholarly attention. The discussion... Болей »

Belarus: Past and Future

Belarus: Past and Future

National Human Development Report 1999

We present the fifth National Human Development Report. It covers the events of 1998 and discusses the transition to sustainable development during the last five years. 1998 was a difficult year for the government and people. Despite a number of positive developments in the economy, social sector and... Болей »

Камунікат.org – Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка
Пры выкарыстаньні матэрыялаў у друку спасылка на крыніцу інфармацыі абавязковая.
Пры выкарыстаньні матэрыялаў у Інтэрнэце прамая гіпэрспасылка на абавязковая.
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